
FormBox: A Desktop Vacuum Former That Makes Beautiful Things

Created by Team Mayku

Quicker Than a 3D Printer, Easier Than Baking a Cake, Powered by Your Vacuum Cleaner

Latest Updates from Our Project:

almost 8 years ago – Fri, Jun 17, 2016 at 10:52:08 AM

We made it! 

We've just completed our thirty two day campaign with an astonishing $588,775 - eleven times what we originally planned for. The team have been simply blown away by the response and we just wanted to post a quick update to say thanks. 

It's been one crazy month that'll go down in the Mayku history books forever. 

And this is just the beginning. We've got an exciting journey ahead and we can't wait to share it with you, our early backers. You guys are heroes

We'll be sure to keep you updated every step of the way. 

From all of the team, thank you so very much. Have a lovely weekend and as always, drop us a line if you have any questions. 

Lots of love, 

Alex, Ben and the Mayku Team


Three good things (with images!)
almost 8 years ago – Thu, Jun 02, 2016 at 06:15:41 PM

Note: We had some technical issues with images in the last update but it should all be sorted now. 

Hello friends!

What a week. Thank you all so much for your comments, questions, suggestions, love, shares, likes and ideas - they really do help us refine our thinking about the product and keep us super excited about what we're doing here at Mayku - keep it up!

As we ease into the final stretch of the campaign (just one week left!) we'd like to share some incredibly cool projects that Mayku and our friends have been working on. First, our friends...

The Mover Kit


Our tech savvy pals at Tech Will Save Us are running an absolutely mega campaign for getting budding makers into building tech from a young (and old) age.

The Mover Kit is a piece of wearable tech that you design, code and build yourself. WHICH IS INCREDIBLE. We wish we had one when we were kids, and we secretly wish we had one now. So we've pre ordered one from their Kickstarter campaign - it's an early birthday present for Ben's imaginary niece.

You can check out their campaign here:

Kumasi Hive Makerspace

You may have seen our 'Give one' pledge option on our Kickstarter page. It's our pleasure to announce our first partner in this scheme: The Kumasi Hive Makerspace - a hub for entrepreneurs, startups and inventors to come together and work on bringing new ideas to life in Kumasi, Ghana.

We met up with Anna a few months ago and were blown away by the work her and Jorge are doing to help support great ideas like this vaccine delivery drone:

We'll be working with Kumasi Hive in the coming months - exchanging ideas, building prototypes with the FormBox and generally making awesome things together.

If you want to get involved, you can help support the Kumasi hive through their Kickstarter page, it's live right now!

Here's the link:

One last thing...

At Mayku, we've been experimenting with something VERY exciting. For those of you who have been asking about this, you might be able to guess what it is. There'll be plenty more to come soon but here's a sneak peek:

We're really excited about this new process and can't wait to show you what it can do. You can help us out by giving a boost to the campaign on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, and remember, if we hit, $830,000 everyone gets 20 more sheets! Just share this link with a friend:

Thanks as always. And feel free to drop us a line with any questions, comments or feedback.

Much love,

Ben, Alex, the Mayku team and Ben's imaginary niece.

Bags of joy and material testing
almost 8 years ago – Mon, May 23, 2016 at 03:57:01 AM

Two weeks in

Here we are, it's the end of another week. Almost 1/2 a million dollars and 1400 backers. We are totally humbled by all of your support. The Mayku family is growing and it truly is very exciting. 

Just a quick update today to share a little experiment we've been working on...

Closing the loop

Our mission is to help people make great stuff, not to create more waste, the world certainly does not need it.

Something that we've been thinking a lot about is how we might be able to 'close the loop' and enable people to create their own sheets out of plastic trash they might have lying around the house. 

A little experiment

So we set about trying to see if we could turn plastic grocery bags into sheets. And we've had a bit of luck so far using just a regular household iron and a heat-press here at the studio. 

The result...

By sandwiching about 6 bags together, heating them up and applying pressure we were able to get some pretty interesting results. This is still a work in progress and we don't recommend trying it at home just yet. We're going to keep experimenting and posting our findings over the next few months.

Material testing 

A lot of people have been asking whether they can use 2mm thick sheets with the FormBox. So we did some tests and....

It works!!

Thanks! and remember..

If you can get your friends to pledge for a FormBox and we get to $830k then everyone will be getting 20 more sheets with their machines! Here's the link, spread it far and wide!

Peace, love and Making, 

Ben, Alex and the Mayku team

Free sheets for all our backers
almost 8 years ago – Thu, May 19, 2016 at 02:10:00 AM

Hello Makers,

The last time we spoke, we were on $100,000 and we’ve just gone over $400,000!

We couldn't have expected this in all of our wildest crowdfunding based dreams. As we write this, there's over one thousand of you backing the FormBox. To us, that's like having a one thousand strong family, all ready to make incredible things together. We can't thank you enough for all of your support. You are great.

10 free sheets for all our backers!

To celebrate, we’re giving everyone who’s pledged for a FormBox 10 Extra sheets of material with their pledge. So you’ll now get a total of 40 sheets of material with the Maker Pack and a whopping 110 sheets with the Pro Pack. (Any new backers will also get this)

Get 20 more sheets by referring a friend ^_^

To add to the 10 free sheets that you’ll now be getting, you can get 20 more. 

Here’s the challenge: We’ve run the numbers and worked out that if each of you can get one of your friends to pledge for a FormBox (we need roughly $830,000) we’ll be able to add twenty extra free sheets to every FormBox order on top of the 10 we're giving you already. That's a total of 60 sheets in the Maker Pack and a whopping 130 sheets in the Pro Pack! 

Send the link below to a fellow maker

All you have to do is get a friend to help us reach $830k. If we hit our target they'll get twenty free sheets too.

One more thing...

If we reach this goal by the 26th of May, we have another little surprise in store that we think you’ll love… Let the material multiplier mission commence!

Thanks - we love you all!

Ben and Alex